Sunday, August 7, 2011

So Here's The Latest....

Our HubPage Pic
my assistant has been posting articles on HubPages called Teddy's Tidbits - you know daily canine info for pet owners interspersed with witty titles or comments by yours truly.

Hard at Work!
It's been over two weeks and man supervising is definitely hard work.  Besides supervising, I'm also collaborating on material to write about and deciding which image or video will work best for our articles. Needless to say, it's definitely an honest day into night's work.

One of my favorites is the creation of my very own AARP card - American Association of Retired Pets (it could also be called AASP - American Association of Senior Pets).  Still trying to decide which one I like better.  Now I just need to print out my card and see if any of my favorite places will give me a discount (wink, wink).

Senior Teddy

So, in the meantime, it looks like our Hub articles are reaching lots of people.  Not bad for a four-legged canine I'd say!  And to think all from the comfort of my perch.  Will wonders never cease?!

Well, time for a quick snooze before we get started on our next article.

Tidbit for the Day: Whatever you do, make sure you add an element of fun - life is too short not to!

Paws to You!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011


Lovin' Fridays - assistant home (unless running errands), more walks = more treats and then there's the evening jog!  Sorry no photo available of yours truly jogging .... it would just be a blur of fur since these paws are "flying!"

Tidbit for the Day:  Dental hygiene isn't just for humans - check it out.

All in all a pretty awesome day.

Paws to You!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Subaru for Dogs

Stylin' in my new bandana from Subaru! 

Yep, got this for taking the walk/hike challenge during the Super Bowl.  The challenge - instead of being a couch potato, got out in the great outdoors and put the paws to the road!  My only question now..... so when do they deliver the SUV?

Paws to You!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


A "bark out" to all my friends - I know it's been forever!  Well, the latest with me.....check it out

does this scream "bad to the bone" or what?  Ok, ok - so maybe I need more gel, dark shades, a leather jacket, a hot leash and a cutie following me, but at least it's a start.

Anyway, things have been pretty quiet - well, except for the opossum that likes to hang out in the backyard every once in a while, and then there's been the squirrel chases, occasional rabbit sighting and catching up with the other "paws" in the neighborhood.  You know, all in the day of the life of yours truly.  I know, rough life!

Well, until next time!

Tidbit for the Day - Never settle for what's available, hold out for the good stuff!

Paws to You -

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Teddy's Adventures Photo Album

After several months in the making, my first album is ready to post!  It does take a few minutes before the slide show starts so hang in there, you'll be glad you did!

Tidbit for the Day - Great works of art always takes patience!

Paws to You!

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